Vegan Mini Handpies

I hate throwing away leftover pie dough, or just putting it in the fridge not knowing what to do with it and it's not enough to make an entire pie so it just...lies there. But from now on, I'll make sure to make these little pies, they're perfectly sweet, and a perfect treat. You can stuff them with whatever you like.

Leftover Pie Dough or my go to recipe;
5 DL / slightly over 2 Cups of All-Purpose Flour
3 Tbsp of Sugar
275 grams of Cold Non-Dairy Butter
1-5 tbsp of Cold Water
Filling of your choice, I used chocolate and berries

1. Mix all the ingredients for the pie dough together and let rest in the fridge for at least an hour. Or just leftover dough, ofcourse.

2. Roll out the dough and use a round cookie shaper or anything else round to make small circles. Put one circle and place some chocolate or berries in the middle, then cover with another circle and press down the sides with a fork. Cover with vegan butter or milk and some sugar.

3. Bake for about 10-15 minutes in 200 degrees celcius.

4. Enjoy!


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