Vegan Gooey Brownies

Too gooey you say? No such thing. The gooey the better. Trust me. And they do lose some of their gooey-ness if you put them in the fridge for a while, which I do not have the patience for.
1,5 DL of Non-Dairy Butter or Oil
1,5 DL of Non-Dairy Milk, I used Soy
3-4 DL of Flour, depending on how gooey you want them
100 Grams of Chocolate
2 DL of Sugar
1 Tsp of Vanilla Powder
2 Tsp of Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius and line a baking tin with parchment paper or grease with butter.

2. Mix all the dry ingredients together, including the chopped chocolate, then add the wet ones and mix until combined.  Pour the batter into your baking tin and evenly spread.

3.  Let bake for 20-25 minutes, then let cool.

4. Enjoy with ice cream!


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