Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins with Cookie Dough Centre & Cookie Dough Frosting

These are 10/10. Seriously. SO GOOD and SO FILLING. They're vanilla muffins with chocolate chunks, filled with cookie dough and topped with MORE cookie dough and some melted choc. Worth every bite.  Make sure to try these, and if you do please let me know! 

That cookie dough middle...


For the muffins (about 12);
2 DL of All Purpose Flour
2 Tsp of Baking Powder
Pinch of salt
1 DL of White Sugar
0,5 DL of Oil (I used Rapeseed Oil)
1,5 DL of Non-Dairy Milk
1 tsps of Vanilla Powder
0,5 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar 

For the cookie dough; 

About 100-150 Grams of Non Dairy Butter
A bit less than 2 DL of Brown Sugar
1-2 Tbsp of Non-Dairy Milk (add more if needed)
1,5 DL of All Purpose Flour
1 Tsp of Vanilla Powder
Pinch of Salt
Chocolate Chips or Chocolate Chunks


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius and line a baking sheet with muffin cups.

2. Mix all the dry ingredients of the muffins together in one bowl, and the wet in another. Then shift the dry ingredients into the wet ones, and whisk until smooth. Add in the chocolate chips / chunks.

3. Make the cookie dough. Mix the butter with the milk, brown sugar and vanilla powder. Once it's mixed, add the flour and salt and mix again, then add in the chocolate chips/chunks.
4.  Pour the batter into the muffin cups, just a bit and then add a ball of cookie dough, then cover it with more batter, a bit more than half of the cups should be filled. Leave in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

5.  Let the muffins cool and then add the cookie dough to the top of the muffins, it could be spread out och just put it on top. You can also melt some chocolate and drizzle on top.



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