Vegan Chocolate & Banana Swiss Roll

My first time making a swiss roll and ofcourse I stuff it with chocolate. And banana. The ultimate combination. And it actually turned out great!
2 DL of  Flour
2 DL of Sugar
2 Tsp of Baking Powder
1 Tsp of Vanilla Powder
1,5 DL of Non-Dairy Milk
Oil for the baking sheet


1. Preheat oven to 250 Degrees Celcius.

2. Mix all the dry ingredients together before adding the milk.

3. Put a parchment paper on a baking sheet and brush with oil so the cake wont stick to it. Pour the batter on the baking sheet, spreading it evenly.

4. Leave in the oven for about 5-7 minutes, until the edges are golden brown.

5. Once it's ready, put another parchment paper and sprinkle sugar on it. Then flip the baking sheet over the sugared paper so the cake lands on the sugar paper.

6. Let cool for a bit while you prepare filling of your choice. It can be cream, chocolate, jam or fresh berries. Once it has cooled, just spread the filling to the cake and roll it up. Leave it in the fridge for a while to set. Then cut it and enjoy!


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