Vegan Apple Pie Fries

They might not look exactly like fries, but you get me. It's basically puff pastry with apple sauce and sugar coating, with an easy icing dip. Delish!
One Sheet of Puff Pastry
Apple Sauce, Homemade or store-bought
Non-Dairy Butter
Cinnamon (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

2. Split the puff pastry sheet in two pieces.

3. Spread one of the sheets with apple sauce, and then cover it with the other sheet.

4. Use a pizza slicer to cut out fry shapes.

5. Brush all of the "fries" with melted butter and then roll them in sugar & cinnamon mix. Place the fries on a baking sheet with parchment paper.

6. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown.

7. For the icing dip, simple use an electric whisk to whisk together icing sugar, some milk and a tiny bit of butter until the right consistency. Or serve with ice cream!

8. Enjoy!


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