Simple Vegan Carrot Cake

Can you tell I like more frosting than actual cake? At least the same frosting to cake ratio. It's not the prettiest but it's so simple and tastes amazing since carrot cake is such a moist (sorry) cake. Goes really well with some tart berries like red currants from the backyard.

The recipe is for one layer, so times two for layered one! 

For the cake;
2 DL of Sugar
0,75 DL of Vegan Whipped Cream, such as Alpro
2 DL of Flour
3 DL of Shredded Carrots
0,5 DL of Vegetable Oil, I used rapeseed oil
1-2 Tsp of Vanilla Sugar
1 Tsp of Baking Powder
1 tsp of Cinnamon
1 tsp of Cardemom
1 pinch of salt

For the icing; 
75 Grams of Vegan Cream Cheese, I used Bute Island
50 Grams of Vegan hard Butter/Margarine
3 DL of Powdered Sugar
1 tsp of Vanilla Sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 175 C degrees.

2. Whip the whipped cream and sugar, then add all of the wet ingredients. Once this is mixed, mix the dry ingredients. 

2. Pour the batter into a baking tin and let sit in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.

3. While the cake is in the oven, make the icing. Just mix all of the ingredients together with an electrical whisk. Add to the top of the cake when the cake has cooled down.

4. Enjoy!


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