Easy Vegan Scones

Scones!!! I love scones. We used to eat it every Sunday for breakfast in my family, and I should definitely bring that tradition back. And so should you. They're also perfect for high tea, just add som vegan cream and lots of different jams! 

4,5 DL/ 1,9 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
50 Grams of vegan butter/margarine
2 DL/ 1 Cup Non-dairy milk


1. Preheat the oven to 250C (480F)

2. Mix the dry ingredients together.

3. Chop the butter into small squares and add into the dry ingredients and mix together with your hands (I guess you dont have to use your hands but I always do!)

4. Add the milk and keep kneading until everything is mixed and the dough is firm and a bit sticky.

5. Make balls of the dough, the sizes you want them to be and place on a baking sheet.

6. Leave in the oven for 10-12 minutes until a bit golden.

7. Top with toppings of your choice and enjoy!


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