Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Because who doesn't love the classics? Can't go wrong with a couple of choc chip cookies!


2 DL of Flour
1/2 Tsp of Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
0,5 DL of Brown Sugar
0,5 DL of White Sugar
2 Tbsp of Non-Dairy Milk
2 Tbsp of Oil or Non-Dairy Butter
1 Tsp of Vanilla
Chocolate Chunks or Chips


1. Mix all the dry ingredients first, and then add in the wet ones. Mix until combined and cookie dough texture.

2. Roll the dough into a ball and put in the fridge for a while until cold.

3. Heat the oven to 165 Degrees Celcious and put parchment paper on a baking sheet.

4. Roll the cookie dough into small balls and put on the baking sheet.

5. Bake for about 10-11 minutes and enjoy!


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